From Russia With Love (1963) Review

Terence Young returned to direct the second Eon produced Bond film and he seems to have learned from his first entry “Dr. No”. That film itself was by no means a disaster but instead a tepid achievement that contained many characteristics that would be associated with James Bond in the future but not quite fully formed. “Dr. No” didn’t even have the character of Q to distribute to Bond his gadgets for the mission. “From Russia With Love” takes the foundations lade down by its predecessor and improves it in virtually every way. This film makes me excited to continue watching the Bond series in its entirety.

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Blade (1998) Review

I have seen “Blade” before, I didn’t think much of it. I thought it was silly and indulged itself too often in dumb and over the top action sequences. Upon my second viewing of “Blade” I found myself liking it a lot more. This time I thought it was silly and indulged itself in dumb and over the top action sequences. It’ll split people that way, and maybe I have just loosened up since my initial viewing. Either way, “Blade” is a fun time even if it doesn’t exactly take the mind along for the ride.

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Today has been really special, I have had the privilege of over 100 visitors that have come to read my review of “Marvellous”. It is great to know that I have made so many more people aware of its existence.

Which brings me onto this — Requests! Anyone and everyone is free to send me film requests to my E-mail: where I will be happy to oblige any and all requests, within reason. If there is a reason for me not to pursue the request, I will notify you personally.

All you have to do is pick a film, or multiple films you wish for me to review and have the subject line be “Request” (without the speech marks) otherwise I might not read them. I’d appreciate as many requests as possible as they will give me some direction as to what films I pick.

Thank you for your time. Thank you for your support, and I hope to thank you for making requests too.